UITNODIGING PERSMOMENT: maandag 11 september om 15u30

Aankondiging nieuwe samenwerking tussen Filmfestival Oostende en Kinepolis Oostende

Maandag 11 september bent u van harte welkom op het persmoment in Kinepolis Oostende waar een gloednieuwe samenwerking wordt toegelicht tussen Kinepolis Oostende en Filmfestival Oostende. 

Locatie : Festivalcafé -  Kinepolis Oostende

Uur : 15u30 

Aanwezige sprekers :

  • Johan Vande Lanotte, Burgemeester Oostende
  • Peter Craeymeersch, Artistiek Directeur Filmfestival Oostende
  • Emmy Deneckere, Theatre Manager Kinepolis Oostende en Brugge

Gelieve uw aanwezigheid te bevestigen op press@filmfestivaloostende.be



Contacteer ons

Filmfestival Oostende

Pers, Filmfestival Oostende

Felix Bertrand

Day One MPM

Over Filmfestival Oostende

About the Ostend Film Festival

The Ostend Film Festival (FFO) is one of the largest film festivals in Belgium, which distinguishes itself with a unique Flemish film program and an inclusive, audience-friendly, but above all atmospheric character. During nine days of FFO, Ostend transforms into a vibrant city festival where international and national (film) professionals come together and an extensive audience of cinephiles as well as Austrians and tourists enjoy the wide range of films and events. One of the highlights is undoubtedly the De Ensors, the Flemish film and television awards, and De Jamies the Flemish online video awards. 

For interviews, accreditations or other press-related questions, do not hesitate to contact us.

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